幸运5官方开奖结果优势|幸运彩开奖结果_正规官网网址+2025澳洲幸运5走势图开奖结果 The Geophysical Survey Specialists
Our team of geoscientists have been delivering honest, reliable and objective subsurface geophysical mapping services for over 30 years.
How can we help you?
Why Terradat Geophysics?
We know complex geophysical surveys, but we keep things down to earth. With over 30 years of expertise, TerraDat is your trusted partner in engineering, environmental, energy, and archaeological ground investigations.
At TerraDat, we understand the importance of reliable geophysical surveys for making informed decisions. Our experienced team of geophysicists use advanced technology to provide precise insights into subsurface conditions, ensuring your project’s success. We tailor each survey to deliver the specific data you need, always focusing on practical outcomes.
Some of our Customers

"TerraDat offer solutions that work, rather than a method that may not work…"
”A breath of fresh air, no comparison"
“Always friendly, open and honest about things…”
“They always deliver meaningful results”

Brownfield Site Investigation using Geophysics
Most former industrial sites have a legacy of buried structural hazards and contamination. Geophysical surveys can detect buried targets without the need to excavate. Many industrial contaminants, such as salinisation by acids and hydrocarbon plumes, can leave a significant geophysical … Read More

Seismic Reflection
TerraDat has specialist experience in designing and implementing high-resolution seismic reflection surveys for onshore and shallow marine environments. The company routinely carries out seismic survey work for geotechnical and environmental applications as well as larger-scale work for oil/mineral exploration. … Read More

How can geophysical techniques be used to investigate and monitor leaking dams?
Dams are vital structures that contribute to vital infrastructure including drinking water, crop irrigation, and hydroelectric power. These structures, often over a century old are also put under huge stress by the large quantities of water they retain as well … Read More

Archaeological Geophysics (Archeology)
CHECK OUT OUR NEW DEDICATED ARCHAEOLOGICAL GEOPHYSICS WEBSITE TerraDat’s archaeological geophysics team is uniquely placed to draw on decades of experience in applied geophysics and archaeological surveying. TerraDat’s approach uses our fully-trained geophysicists to deal with the geophysics while our … Read More

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Seismic methods can provide detailed information about rock properties and geological structure between boreholes. Fewer boreholes are needed to achieve a continuous picture of the subsurface, thereby reducing overall costs and the risk of missing target features. Borehole seismic methods … Read More

Karst Geology: Void detection & Karst Mapping using Geophysics
TerraDat is regularly contacted by ground engineers asking about our void detection surveys using geophysics. The benefits of our geophysical surveys in terms of maximum area coverage and minimal ground disturbance provide an ideal solution. The best geophysical methods for … Read More

How TerraDat’s work is helping monitor climate change
Twenty years ago, geophysics specialists at TerraDat became involved in a major pan-European project to measure the impact of climate change on permafrost in the mountains of Europe. The PACE (Permafrost And Climate in Europe) Project began monitoring a large … Read More

MASW (Surface Wave Surveys)
Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) is a very useful method for investigating shallow geological structure and, in particular, the relative shear strength of subsurface materials. By incorporating density values for the local bedrock and overburden sediments it is possible … Read More

Electrical Earthing: Advanced Soil Resistivity Measurements for Electrical Earthing Design
As part of our services for energy and infrastructure, TerraDat regularly carries out soil resistivity measurements for earthing installation design and corrosion engineering. These resistivity measurements are made by passing a DC electrical current through the ground using a pair … Read More